Friday, January 20, 2012

What I Know Now About Success: Letters from Extraordinary Women to Their Younger Selves by Ellyn Spragins, 2011 (perused)

The book came to my attention because I read somewhere (ok, People Mag) that Taylor Swift was reading it.  Given the title, it seemed like it had a lot of promise, especially since I was in a here's-to-a-better-me! state of mind at the end of 2011.

The concept is excellent.  Successful women pen letters to their younger selves and share wisdom that they have gleaned over the years. 

Unfortunately, the title is the most inspiring part of the book.

The letters are brief, and lack substance or any real profound insight.  Part of the problem is that the letters are addressed to a younger self regarding specific situations, which limited the scope of the letters.

Before each letter, there is a short bio of the extraordinary women, which I found to be more interesting than the letters themselves. 

That said, I definitely perused this book.  The quotes that I did jot down (surprise, surprise) echo messages of finding your passions and being true to yourself: 

"You cannot come into your power until you live a life that is 100 percent authentic." 
- Suzy Orman, Personal Finance Author

"True success means accepting yourself as you are." 
- Suzanne Somers, (Former? - I have not seen her in anything in a long while) Actress

"Success is being coherent with who you are." 
- Diane Von Furstenbuerg, Fashion Designer

Kate Spade - What style!

On a random not, I love designer Kate Spade's outfit in the photo that is used in the book.  I love the sweater and blouse - her style is impeccable.  It's classic that is done so perfectly, that it's modern.

And, to share knowledge gleaned from my gossip mags reading, David Spade is her brother-in-law.  A fact that she did not mention in her letter, so I thought I would share.

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