Friday, May 18, 2018

The Startup & The People We Hate at the Wedding

April reads before I went off to UK for vacation & India for work.

Image result for the startup doreeThe Startup by Doree Shafrir, 2017
Enjoyable novel of start up culture in NYC, imaging the master of the universe feeling these twenty-something white kids feel.  Dealing with building a company, constantly asking for money from investors - what an intense and odd world.

Biting commentary on 'news' today with instant updates, regardless if accurate or verified.  Google employees who are brilliant yet hesitant to leave the benefits of Google to strike out on their own.

Katya Pasternack is a reporter, whose editor Dan Blum struggles to go become a 'grown up' with wife Sabrina & family in Park Slope, Brooklyn.

Mack McAllister is the personality driven founder of a 63 employee startup TakeOff taking advantage of his 'celebrity' startup by sleeping with woman and drinking his own kool aid to sell his non-profit generating app.

Thirty-something Sabrina ends up going back to work after having two children, reporting to 20-something Isabel at TakeOff.  The start-up 20-something world of TweetDeck and insta-everything is overwhelming.

Characters include first-generation Russian-American Katya, Korean-American Sabrina and an anonymous Tweeter who gives the African-American take on the very white start up world.

The People We Hate at The Wedding by Grant Ginder, 2017
Image result for the people we hate at the wedding
Siblings Paul & Alice are self-loathing siblings making poor personal choices on their self-destructive path.  They take their anger out on their half-sister Eloise, whose father is a debonair Frenchman.

Paul's & Alice's father is a Midwestern nice accountant named Bill.  Donna is the mother who has not quite gotten over her French ex-husband Henrique and who Paul resents for how Donna so quickly got over the death of Bill.

Eloise is getting married in England, bringing the family together.  Paul finally opens communication with Donna, and eventually finds out how she has shielded him from Bill's resentment after Paul came out.

Alice reacts brutally to Eloise's generosity but in the end, accepts her help.

Family drama captured so well.  Insecurities & ruts, perfect Eloise's snobbery showing - all the 'best' qualities that only family can bring out.

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